Gift of Performance
There’s nothing like the thrill of a live musical performance. Musical journeys can transform both the musician and the listener. And music therapy can heal. Performances give musicians the opportunity to share their music with an audience, and in doing so perfect their own skills while entertaining the listener.
The focus of this program is to foster community engagement and create opportunities to experience music in unique ways:
A high school jazz trio playing at a senior center
A classical guitarist performing for hospice patients and their families
A marching band attending a high-profile venue; and more…
But this takes time and money to make happen. Donations to this program help us:
Create unique musical experiences
Identify the musicians and audience
Underwrite the costs of travel, venue rentals, and other logistical needs
Help Us Give The Gift of Performance

Music Is…
“Music is one of humanity’s greatest tools to create peace on earth and bring a sense of brother/ sisterhood among all people no matter how diverse their walks of life or how much distance is between them. It’s human glue!”
~ Tani Waipa, Vocalist
Tani Waipa Music
“Music is healing. I had open heart surgery over a year ago and the first month of recovery was one of the worst of my life. I was overwhelmed with my situation and … I forgot about the benefits music can have on well-being. I eventually remembered to listen and the impacts were immediate. A beautiful song can be therapeutic, uplifting and downright good for your soul. I am absolutely convinced that, “If Not For Music,” my recovery would have taken so much longer.
~ Lee Whitmore