New Gift of Learning Fund Established

Randy Stone

Thanks to the generosity of new INFM Board Member Randy Stone, we have established the Gift of Learning Fund with his anchor gift. Our immediate goal is to build his gift to $25,000 in support of our mission area of securing blocks of instruction for aspiring musicians so they may realize their musical dreams and become proficient with their instrument of choice. Our long-term goal is to grow this Fund to $50,000 so we can have an even greater impact.

Work is currently underway with the help of Board Member Dave Mattock to identify the first cohort of students that will be helped by this Fund. Check back soon to meet them!

You can help us give the gift of music to aspiring musicians in need. Click below to Donate to the Gift of Learning Fund. Thanks, Randy, for your generous support!


Instruments Donated to the Kennett Garage Community and Youth Center


Pop-Up Jazz Concert Brings Family and Friends Together in Support of INFM